Teh Daun Bidara Isi 25


Nama produk : Teh Daun Bidara HerbaRuqyah
Komposisi : teh, daun bidara, habbatussauda, cyna, pegagan
Isi : 15 kantung teh
Kemasan : Dus

Dinkes P-IRT 383217010883-27
Halal MUI No : ID32110001445290922
No. Sertifikat CHSE: SRT/IL.04.02/0129/M-K/2021

SKU: teh-bidara-25 Kategori:


Teh Bidara adalah produk herbal bidara dalam bentuk teh celup yang dapat dikonsumsi sebagai minuman harian pada teh umumnya. Teh ini dapat dikonsumsi untuk mengatasi insomnia, memperbaiki jaringan sel dalam tubuh, serta digunakan untuk mengatasi gangguan yg diakibatkan oleh penyakit non medis. Kandungan saponin dalam daun bidara dapat menenangkan tubuh dan menghilangkan kecemasan.

Manfaat Teh Bidara:

1. Gangguan jin/dicintai Jin/sering kesurupan dll
2. Terkena sihir/guna-guna/santet
3. Terkena penyakit ain (pandangan mata yang jahat)
4. Penyakit tahunan yang sulit sembuh dengan medis
5. Mengatasi insomnia
6. Memperbaiki jaringan sel dalam tubuh
7. Terapi penderita diabetes
8. Membantu mengobati gangguan jantung
9. Mengatasi tekanan darah tinggi

Komposisi : teh, daun bidara, habbatussauda, cyna, pegagan
Isi : 15 kantung teh

Dinkes P-IRT 383217010883-27
Halal MUI No : ID32110001445290922
No. Sertifikat CHSE: SRT/IL.04.02/0129/M-K/2021

719 Komentar

  1. lypzawiji Balas

    Haven’t got a steady hand? Don’t worry, with this eyeliner look you don’t need one. Take a fine liner brush and squiggle it on your lids to recreate this abstract look. It’s not for everyone but definitely fun to play with! Deborah Altizio, a New York-based makeup artist, believes that older trends and ideas have a way of resurfacing in modern times. In her perspective, the graphic and pop-up liquid eyeliners we see on TikTok and runways today have roots in the ’60s. Don’t worry. You don’t have to buy the Chanel version of this beautiful color to match the look. You can get cheaper alternatives in various forms. A blue liquid eyeliner will do the trick, offering you ultimate control of your strokes. Eyeliner pencils are an excellent way to smudge the blue and blend it with another color. And blue eyeshadow can create the bold look that makes your eyes POP!
    I love a good travel makeup bag, but sometimes they’re hard to stuff into my packed suitcase or a backpack. Enter: this collapsible padded makeup bag, which is lined with elastic pockets to keep all your makeup products in place and standing upright (v necessary for all those liquid foundations). When you’re ready to pack, just roll up the top, pull the drawstring tight, and boom\u2014you’ve got yourself a squishy little bundle. Soft-sided cases – This super-cute makeup bag from Charlotte Tilbury is the perfect size for storing all of your daily essentials, such as, say, the five or six products you tend to use on an everyday basis. It makes your products easier to find in a pinch. Plus, when you need to finesse your makeup while you're on the go, you'll have everything handy and ready in one place.

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